Thursday 29 March 2012


Boxing Bots :D

Starring Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly, Dakota Goya


The movie begins with Jackman driving his truck on a road parallel to the Robot-boxing stadium. This reminds the viewers that the story plot is future-set, some time around the 2020s and the responsible director will tell you the exact year, if you can't glean it. In my opinion, a movie that gets the viewers involved in a positive way is an excellent movie. Hugh Jackman is a bankrupted, screwed-up father and Robot boxing showman who is desperate for a break in his career and is need of funds and lives on a mobile home. He trades off the custody of his son for 100 grands to his sister-in-law. However, he chooses to be with his son for a while before he goes into legal custody for good, which is the main portion of the movie. You will cheer, cry, laugh and be thoroughly entertained. 

The story has everything in mixed proportions but a movie critic or fanatic may feel that there are disconnected scenes throughout the movie. However, the movie has a good story line and has little twists to it. The ending was so close to be predictable by anyone but with a little twist to it, which I really liked.

The movie has real good sound effects for us making it worthwhile to get its Blu-Ray versions. I feel this movie has shown a better version of emotional bonding between human and machines, mainly because of the kid ingredient. All the actors have done reasonably well, and the onscreen relationships are soulful and can be felt as genuine.

Real Steel is a familiar and safe movie, filled with cliches and plots you have heard a thousand times. But the unique gimmick of the robots, the performances of its stars and the effects that sell the underdog story through a robot avatar all work well.

The movie has several "ciphers" replacing the dialogues making it suitable for kids below 13 unless you want them to be well versed in f's and b's. :lol: 

My rating: On a scale of 1-5.
Story: 4
Sound Effects: 3.5
Visual Effects: 3.5
Overall: 3.5

Conclusion: If you are a great fan of Spielberg's production, don't call me names for recommending this. I am sure you will not know it unless you see the credits. Worth watching and you would definitely not feel that you have wasted your time unless you are an anti-sci-fi. If you are getting a good deal, the BD deserves be in your collection, at least for the sound effects.


How to make a blu-ray player region-free or mod a Blu-Ray player - Illustration of Modding Panasonic DMP BD-60, 55, 80


I wanted to share it the first time I did this, but did not have a good camera or did not know how to put it. So, after a hectic schedule and overdose of music, here is the modding:

You need the following items before you start: Soldering gun with a sharp tip, flux, lead, wires (front USB cables are used), Panasonic DMP-BD 60, 80 55 and the mod chip.

The player used here is a Region A player and I have used a Region B title “Narnia – The Prince Caspian” for testing. What you see below in the picture is the player that is to be modded using the mod chip, which is also shown in the picture.

You need to solder the terminals A, B, C, E, F, Gnd, +3ve on the chip and on the Panasonic player as indicated in your mod chip diagram. This is a different chip from the one I used before, but the soldering points are all the same. You can solder Gnd, +3ve, E, F easily without any assistance, but you need to have someone to assist you to solder A, B, C, as it is on the legs of 5-legged IC that is as small as a chicklet.





Step 1: Open the cabinet of the player by removing screws on the side and back portions of the player

Step 2: Choose wires that are seen inside the panasonic player, I have used the front USB wires which are available in any nearby computer shop.

Step 3: Trim the edges of the wires and dip the edges of the wire in the soldering flux and dip it in lead on the tip of the soldering iron.

Step 4: Solder the A B C on the board and then E, F and then the gnd and +3ve

Step 5: Use a cello tape or insulation tape to secure the wires so as to prevent from detaching

Step 6: Solder the points A, B, C, E, F, gnd, +3ve on the soldering chip

Step 7: Secure the cables as to not touch the PCB or the mechanism as well as the circuit board.


Step 8: Plug in the cable and test the player using a Region B or C BD and once you confirm its working, go ahead and cover the cabinet.

Step 9: Now you have a Region-free modded Panasonic DMP BD-55, 60 or 80.

I hope this has been useful to everyone who wants to mod any blu-ray player. The process remains the same for most of the players.

Friday 23 March 2012

Introductory Offer on MAGNAT Speakers

Introductory Offer on MAGNAT Speakers


We are pleased to offer 10% special discount on the MAGNAT Speakers for all the members. Let us know out here if you are interested we shall create the voucher code for you.

List of products by manufacturer: Magnat

