Monday 9 April 2012

Altec Lansing A7 "Voice of the Theater" Build

Author & DIY'er: Santhosh

Post -2

The million dollar question in my mind was "Which Altec to build?". Thankfully, original build plans for Altecs were available online at the Altec Library @ After much reading and discussions with Rajiv, I finally decided to build the A7s. Here is how an Altec A7 looks:

Image Courtesy:

Plan was to build an original A7 and tweak it on an ongoing basis to get better sound. During the build, I have tried to implement many of the tweaks recommended by the "Sound Practices"article.

I found these below links very useful as this kind fellow enthusiast has shared redrawn Altec A7 plans and the Horn Flare Drawing:
1) Redrawn Altec A7 Plan (more detailed and simpler): ... 20828B.pdf 
2) Horn Flare Drawing: ... 0flare.doc




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