Wednesday 11 April 2012

The devil's double - blu-ray review

The devil's double - blu-ray review

Hi all,

I got the blu-ray "The Devils Double" thru Mr.Satish who is an aspiring director.

I enjoyed the film very much and the atrocities done by Saddam Hussein son in Iraq. :oops: 


This film is based on the "true account" of an Iraqi soldier who was forced to fill in as the double of Saddam Hussein's evil elder son Uday acted by Dominic Cooper,. The cruelties that Uday inflicted on the Iraqi populace are legendary, as are stories of his limitless debauchery, torture of prisoners including players of the country's national Olympic team, and rapes.Devil’s Double is gripping when it needs to be, enough that it’s held together by an intense dynamic between two main characters. 

Latif Yahia, who wrote a book by the same name, says he was threatened that his family would be killed if he didn't agree to Uday's demands. Cooper, in one of his biggest roles, essays the characters of both Uday and Latif.It's just that this film views Iraq and the Hussein family with such coloured lenses that only one hero can fit the frame. And that hero is Yahia, whose account has itself been questioned for its authenticity.The Devil's Double' spends more time inside Uday's personal life, including on a woman who not surprisingly guesses Yahia's secret and falls for him, taking unbelievable risks in the process.

The Devil’s Double is driven almost entirely by Dominic Cooper’s memorable turn as both Latif and Uday. Though there are differences between the two that help viewers tell them apart – they have different voices and teeth – it ends up not mattering, as Cooper communicates which person he is via body language alone. The two men can be in the same room, wearing the same clothes, standing perfectly still and yet you’ll have no trouble picking out which one is which. Though each character is different and complex, Cooper completely embodies each one he seamlessly interacts with himself. You’ll never consciously feels like you’re watching Dominic Cooper play two roles, which is everything you can ask for in a film made like this one.

For me it is worth an watch..


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