Friday 13 April 2012

Altec Lansing A7 "Voice of the Theater" Build

Author & DIY'er: Santhosh

Post -7

Been unwell and down with viral conjunctivitis, so no progress last few days. Today, I was feeling better in the afternoon and decided to do a bit.

Moved the A7s upstairs with the help of a friend. Damn!! Are these heavy?!! Easily weigh over 60 kilos I am guessing.

Here they are along with the W.I.P Audio Rack that I am making. Just wanted to ensure I got the measurements right and the rack still fits between the speakers :D .

I then fitted the Altec 416 woofers and also connected the HF drivers and played it Open Baffle (?) while I dampened the cabinet. Open baffle was not bad, but there was zero bass - understandable as there is no rear wall....just a sloping roof about 12 feet behind the speakers:

So, I started with the dampening. I tried the Synthetic equivalent of Glasswool. It is a product called Synth made by Anutone. Safer than Glasswool for sure, not sure if it sounds just as good. Spoke to member sunilj and he swears by Synth, so decided to go ahead with Synth as I had an unused roll at home:

Managed to cut and staple the Synth into the rear door with my trusty old Stanley Stapler:

Dampening the inside portions:

Dampening the inner side of the horn flare:

and some more..



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