Saturday 28 April 2012

The Avengers - 2012 - Movie Review - 3D/2D - Iron Man, The Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye

Avengers Movie Review - 3D/2D


Iron Man - Robert Downey Jr.
The Hulk - Mark Ruffalo
Captain America - Chris Evans
Black Widow - Scarlett Johansson
Hawkeye - Jeremy Renner

along with Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Gwyneth Paltrow 

Director: Joss Whedon
Writers: Zak Penn (story), Joss Whedon (story), and 3 more credits »

The movie evolves around basically 3 things: 1) S.H.I.E.L.D 2) The Tesseract 3) Saving planet from Loki. Samuel Jackson heads the SHIELD, which is a hi-tech international security agency of the planet. The movie starts off with an action sequence where the when the villain, Lori, escapes from the facility. Slightly illogical in the whole movie is the fact that the SHIELD team detains the villain in their facility knowing that he could easily escape the facility. The consequence of this is the remaining story packed with explosions and action sequences. Part of the movie goes off with repairing the aircraft-carrier-ship that flies. It takes a while for the dynamics of the Avengers to settle, catalyzed by the death of Agent Coulson.

I could not enjoy the movie with 3D glasses on as the movie looked darker with the glasses on. This may be attributed to the theater's PJ system calibration. I watched the movie without glasses for about 80% of the time and do not think I missed out any cool 3D sequences.


The story plot was created in such a way that all super-heroes grab the eyes of audiences; however, Iron Man, Hulk and Thor look more prominent in the movie. Iron Man is a treat to our eyes as the frames in which he appears are filled with VFX. The Hulk and Thor shakes the entire movie with thumping action sequences in their own styles.

To err is human, this is implied in at least two scenes: the reception scene in Stuttgart, Germany, was filmed in the U.S., as Stuttgart do not have skyscraper-buildings. Also the mercedes cars shown are U.S.-models.


The whole script is very detailed and filled with sharp wit of humor. Be it the VFX or EFX, special effects are and action scenes are hard-hitting and well designed. The scrips also cares about the characters which makes it reasonable for us to care about them and cheer to them. It is not intellectually pretentious or groundbreaking from a cinematic or storytelling point of view, but it delivers perfectly.


Throughout the movie, I felt like I am seeing "Iron Man - Revolution" in which apparently the rest just live in it.


The whole theater cheered more for the scenes where the green monster, Hulk, and Iron Man appeared. Almost every single viewer burst into laughter when The Hulk punches Thor after they've just teamed up to take down a bad guy and when he cuts Loki off mid-speechifying by pounding him into the floor repeatedly before he could complete this statement that "I am a God! I am not going to be bullied by a..." :lol: :lol: Also, when The Hulk roars to wake up Iron Man from the glimpse of death! :lol: 

I kind liked this dialogue by Iron Man to The Hulk, "Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster."

This movie tops the list of the superheroes movies, as Marvel managed to neatly present the movie keeping in mind all its audiences. The movie has a whole lot of action sequences, explosions, and more than everything that one can get from a superhero movie. This movie fits perfectly for all the audiences, especially the below-15 category as there is less room for sci-fi and more for action!

Take your kids and little monsters to the movie and they would call you a super-man after the movie.

Disclaimer: The viewpoints herein expressed are subjective and may be in complete contrast to the other reviews.

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